Volunteer Portal Information

The Volunteer Portal is the central application providing volunteers with resources and giving them control over their volunteer role(s).  Currently, the Volunteer Portal supports all Field Leadership Roles, Event and Debate moderator, facilitator, zoom event management, and organizer roles, as well as Ambassadors. 

Use the volunteer portal to manage YOUR INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEER ROLE: whether you are active, how often you wish to participate in events, how far you are willing to travel, and whether you are willing to mentor new volunteers in your role. You can also view teams which are looking for volunteers to advance the mission of BA.

Use the volunteer portal to help YOU AS A FIELD LEADER: to find volunteers to deliver events, find ‘where to turn to’ resources, forms and other resources for Alliance Co-Chairs, State Coordinators, Ambassadors, and Event Team (organizers, moderators, and ZEMs).

If you have questions about the Volunteer Portal, contact Martin Hunke at mhunke@braverangels.org.