Grant Onboarding

When Braver Angels wins a restricted grants for projects managed by volunteer-led teams, such as an Alliance or State, our employees support the volunteers managing these projects in the grant stewardship process. This is critical for ensuring that grant utilization conforms with our finance and audit standards, and to support the ongoing relationship with the donor. When a new grant is won, Braver Angels conducts a Grant Onboarding meeting that includes representatives of the Finance, Fundraising, and Field Operations teams, along with the volunteers who will be utilizing the grant, to review:

  1. Finances:

  • Amount of funding awarded

  • Eligible expenditures

  • Process for submitting receipts

  • Quarterly finance report process from the Finance team

  1. Reporting:

    • Key grant dates, such as the date that reports are due

    • Reporting requirements, such as the questions that will be asked on the grant reports

    • How the Fundraising team will submit reports in coordination with the Volunteer team

    • Timeline of check-ins for reporting

  1. Programmatic Activities:

  • Nature of the grant-funded programmatic activities

Unless otherwise determined, the Fundraising team will submit grant reports and maintain credentials for the grants portals. An employee must sign any received checks.